
Monument to the Sailors of the Revolution

Памятник «Морякам революции»

At the entrance to the city there is a 12-meter monument devoted to the sailors who defended our country during Civil War and Wold War II:

  • there is a kneeling sailor with uncovered head, who is pressing to his heart the cap of his friend died in battles. In his right hand he holds his own sailor’s cap. His strong face is full of bitterness and sadness. One can’t often hold back tears looking at the sailor; in front of the monument there is a viewing platform with a picturesque panorama of the bay;

The ship-museum “Mikhail Kutuzov”

Крейсер Михаил Кутузов
  • The naval ship-museum “Mikhail Kutuzov” is must visit. As far back as 1950s this ship sailed the seas. But now, having bought a ticket for a tour, you can thoroughly examine her and learn about our history over the past 100 years;

Stela  “Marine Glory of Russia”

стела морская слава россии в новороссийске
  • the magnificent stela of the Marine Glory is well seen from the sea. Sculpture composition – a girl angel with our planet under her feet and sailing boat in her hands, which she guards from storms and misfortunes – is placed on a high granite column;

Sea port

Новороссийский порт
  • The territory of Novorossiysk port is also a very attractive place to walk. Dock workers bustle around, ships arrive and depart, and one feels the energy of this place;

Memorial complex  “The Small Land”

Малая земля
  • one should visit the sculptural composition “The Small Land”, which has the form of a ship’s bow that lands ashore – a monument to brave soldiers who fought for a year to liberate Novorossiysk from Wehrmacht troops.

Memorial complex “Heroes’ Square”

Мемориальный комплекс «Площадь героев»

Memorial complex “Heroes’ Square” is located in the historical center of  Novorossiysk. The complex is located among the always well-kept lawns, fir-trees and flowers. The restoration of the city 97% destroyed after the World War II began from this very place.